Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pushing Through // Shading

Something that occurred to me as I was shading tonight...

I could take the easier route with this drawing and start smudging, but I had a goal. I wasn't going to do that, I was going to do everything by shading. My skills are definitely rusty, but I have to push through. Otherwise, I know I can't progress past where I stopped four years ago. It's a slow process.

Life's definitely like that, for me at least. I want to rush ahead and achieve my goal the easier way, but God knows what's best for me. I learn best when I take things slowly, give myself time, work through the ADD tendencies, and absorb the lessons.

Here's the progress so far...

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Adriana said...

Wow, that's lovely. I've been a painter for a while, and just recently started drawing again. It's so satisfying to get back into it, right?

the backburner studio said...

It really is very satisfying.

You know that feeling that you experience when you really connect with a piece you're working on? I've missed that for a long time.

Jackson Pollack described it in a video I saw of him recently. He was doing his special technique on glass for the first time and videoing the process. As his work progressed, you could tell he'd reached a point where his rhythm was not as it had been. So after awhile, he started washing the paint off the glass and he said something that really struck me. He said that he'd "lost the connection with the piece."

That's how I've felt these last few years... like I'd lost my connection with not just my work, but with art. And I think that's what I mean when I keep feeling as if I'm "pushing through."

Thanks for commenting. It's great that you've started drawing again. To that, I say... "stay connected." *smiles*