Saturday, February 25, 2012

Etsy Treasuries

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Sometimes, It's That Simple...

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Selling Our Stuff to Buy Our Dreams

As our bio states, we're a husband & wife team who’s spent most of our adulthood so far putting artistic dreams on hold. We put off those dreams for various reasons. Life has a way of doing that, taking over. The Backburner Studio is a dream awakened to reality.

We decided we wanted our dreams more than we wanted our stuff. Help us out by taking a look. If you see something you like or think someone else might like, pass the link along! The Backburner Store Thanks so much for taking an interest in The Backburner Studio. We hope our continued story encourages you to take your dreams off the backburner. 

Stay tuned! (:

Checkout our Etsy shop. 

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Home Is Wherever I'm With You

10 Ideas to Boost Your Home's Style

Decor Idea #1: Vintage, Film-Inspired Wall Art

Decor Idea #2: Felted Friends

Decor Idea #3: There's Always Time for Nostalgia

Decor Idea #4: DIY & Reclaimed Fabulous

Decor Idea #5: Hand-crafted Space Savers

Decor Idea #6: Flower Power

Decor Idea #7: Opt-In for Eco-Friendly

Decor Idea #8: Rotary Returns

Decor Idea #9: Be Yourself

Decor Idea #10: Fun Photography

Got any other cool, home-decor ideas? Share them with us! (:

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Oh Klout, I have yet to figure you out...

Klout so graciously attempts to "explain" how they determine our little studio's internet importance; however, the graphs supplied don't exactly paint a clear-cut reasoning. I'm sure there's plenty of scientific reasoning and/or mathematics  involved, but seriously, how can a person/ entity gain or lose 20+ increments of "klout" in one day?

Was that last blog post seriously that good (or bad)?

The mystery remains veiled...

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