Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thank you, Area B requirements, Ingrid, and Humphrey

       I always loved the movie Casablanca so much that I did a pencil study in Drawing I back in art school of Ingrid Bergman. (pictured above)

Imagine my surprise and utter delight to find out that the first movie I "must" watch for my Perspectives on Society in Film class this semester is none other than my beloved Casablanca. 

"Why did I ever think I'd make it through business school?" I keep asking myself. It feels like I'm constantly switching sides of my brain and forcing myself to focus; however, this required class and news of our first assignment were like a deep, soothing breath that invigorates all over.

I don't have much more to push through to get that degree finally, but I'm happy to stop for a moment and be thankful for seemingly small treasures in the midst of it all.
Thank you, Area B requirements, Ingrid, and Humphrey. You've saved me this semester.

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